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"Follow-Up Coaching 

after Training Events"

Start your path toward effective follow-up after all your training events to maximize implementation and sustainability!

Most of our training is full of really good content. 

But how good are your alumni at implementing the content?

Too often course manuals “end up on the bookshelf” and good content does not find its way into the day-to-day routine. This is where follow-up coaching comes in.


Research shows that training produces 22.4% better performance, but training with follow-up coaching produces 88% better
. That's a significant difference! (1)

* We value data protection and transparency!

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It will help you to increase your positive impact on your team and to raise team communication to a new level, thus increasing productivity.

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(1) Olivero, Bane & Kopelmann; Public Personnel Management; Washington; Winter 1997; ISSN:00910260